2011 Accomplishments

The father of this baby contacted us through our web site on September of last year, his son Erwin is 7 months old now, he was born with his eye Cornea is separated. Doctors decided not to do surgery right away but to wait and treat it with eye drops and eye therapy first.

Cost: Jan $500.00

April $150.00


Our foundation through “St. Joseph Church-Karak/Jordan” helped a 6 years old boy Yousef. He suffers from bad skin disease called “vitiligo”, in Arabic called “Alboohak”. He needs special cream 3 (30.g) tubes a month. The cost is $170.00 monthly.

Cost: $1020.00 for 6 months


Our foundation through “St. Joseph church-Karak/Jordan” helped an 11 years old boy Jawad. He suffers from “Cerebellar Atrophy” – slowly progressive motor deterioration, especially gait. He needs special school for special education.

Cost: $3,500.00


Personal account to help people in Zababdeh to build a kindergarten school , and buy medicine for the sick.

Cost: $3,000.00


Our foundation through Obra Social el Martinico paid for this emergency surgery to this new baby boy, he did not have a name yet. He was born with his both testicles stuck together.

Cost: $400.00

5-Baby No Name- Guatemala. Feb-2011 (3).jpg

Our foundation through Middle Eastern Outreach helped an 8 years old Yousef, he was born with “Osteogenesis Imperfecta” , he sustained multiple fractures at both femora and tibia with multiple deformities and bowing. He needs one injection yearly.

Cost: $380.00


Our foundation through Middle Eastern Outreach helped an 8 years old Sherie, she was born with “Osteogenesis Imperfecta” , she sustained multiple fractures at both femora and tibia with multiple deformities and bowing. He needs one injection yearly.

Cost: $380.00


Our foundation through Middle Eastern Outreach helped Amira, she is 16 years old. She was born with problem in her nose and ears that caused her a very bad infection. She needs medicine yearly.

Cost: $120.00 Yearly


Our foundation through Middle Eastern Outreach helped Tony, he is 4 years old suffers from a very bad allergy in his chest, makes it hard for him to breath. He needs medicine yearly.

Cost: $720.00


Our foundation with the help of this nice volunteered man his name is Mr. Roland elf , he works with so many organizations, one of them is Bethel Ministries International, he lives now in Guatemala and dedicate his life to help the needy. He introduced us to this case.

Lesbia is 5 years old girl from Guatemala. She suffered from amputation of her leg at the level of her hip due to Cancer. We purchases prosthesis leg for her through Orthopedic Centroamericana.

Cost: $3,700.00 which is $272.00 was paid by a little boy his name is Issa from his piggy bank.


This is a case that we have been following since Aug-2008. Angelica is a lady from Honduras that her drunken husband chopped her both hands for not signing on their house contract not to be sold. We managed finally with the help of “Bridge of Peace Foundation” to get het to Guatemala and place her first hand with a hook to start with and then it will be replaced with a plastic hand.

Cost for this year: $371.20 for transportation

Cost since Aug-2008 until now: $1321.20


Our foundation through “Angel Michael Church” in process of helping to pay for spinal surgery for Fayez from Amman- Jordan. He suffered from severe back pain and numbness in his legs.

Cost: $3,100.00


Our foundation through “Angel Michael Church” in process of buying bilateral below the knee prosthesis with dynamic foot and soft socket, cosmetic foam cover and Gel socks for 19 years old young man Faisal.

Cost: $1,690.00


Our foundation through “Angel Michael Church” in process of paying for Rt long leg brace with Swiss lock knee joint, ankle joint and inner shoe for this 42 years old man from Jordan.

Cost: $846.00


Our foundation through PCRF is in process of helping this 12 years old girl from Palestine. We are planning to sponsor the airline tickets for her and her mother to come from Ramallah to the Shriners hospital in California. She was born with orthopedic deformities of both her arms and legs. She is going to begin process of evaluation for surgeries on her arms and legs.

Cost: $3,400.00


Our Foundation through “Middle Eastern Outreach Ministries” is in process of helping this 41 years old lady to buy her medication. She suffers from hi blood pressure, chronic asthma and sever sinuses.

Cost: $725.00


Our foundation through “Angel Michael Church” is in process of helping this 33 years old man. He suffers from muscle weakness, leg discrepancy and limitation in the ankle joint in the involved limb. He needs a long leg brace to help him in his daily life activities and ambulance.

Cost: $835.00


Our foundation through “Angel Michael Church” is in process of helping this 33 years old man. He suffers from an amputation over the knee to his right leg since 3 years ago due to blood circulation disorder. He needs above the knee prosthesis, modular type with free motion knee point, single axis foot and foam cover.

Cost: $1,667.00


Our Foundation through Mr. Roland Elf (a volunteer through Bethel Ministries) in process to help this 11 year old girl from Guatemala. Darlin suffers from Osteosarcoma resulted in amputating her right leg. She needs above the knee prosthesis.

Cost: $4,000.00


Our foundation through Mr. Roland Elf (a volunteer through Bethel Ministries) in process to help this 12 year old girl from Guatemala. Basny suffers from Osteosarcoma resulted in amputating her right leg. She needs above the knee prosthesis.

Cost: $4,000.00


Our foundation through Obra Social El Martinico helped to sponsor shelter and food for this 14 years old girl from Guatemala. She suffered from cancer in her right knee, she needed special surgery that can’t be performed in Guatemala, so she was transferred to Brazil, she have been there from July-2011, she needs to be there until November of 2011.

Cost: $1,000.00


Our foundation helped the needy through the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Cost: $10,000.00


Our foundation helped the needy through St. Joseph Church in Pomona- California.

Cost: $5,000.00


Our foundation helped the needy children through PCRF.

Cost: $2,000.00


Our foundation through “Angel Michael Church” Jordan helped to purchase weekly injection for Atef. He suffers from Hepatitis C infection type 4.

Cost: $3,960.00


Our foundation through “Angel Michael Church” helped to purchase a bilateral above the knee prosthesis for this 9 year old boy. He was born with bilateral congenital deformity lower limbs below the knees.

Cost: $2,120.00


Our foundation through “Angel Michael Church” helped to purchase a long leg brace with knee and ankle joint and inner shoe for this young man because he suffered from a known case of Poliomyelitis when he was 3 years old.

Cost: $850.00


Our foundation through “Angel Michael Church” helped to purchase an above the knee prosthesis with locked knee joint and single axis foot, modular type due to a case of gross gangrene that she suffered from 2 years ago.

Cost: $1,700.00


Our foundation through “Middle Eastern Outreach Ministry” helped this 18 years old young lady. She suffers from High rate tension and Bronchitis. She needed medications and special breathing machine.

Cost: $840.00


Our foundation through "Middle Eastern Outreach Ministry” helped to buy the medication for this young lady. She suffers from Hepatitis C and tension emotive nervous.

Cost: $1,920.00


The Ennabe family donated blankets and clothes for the needy and distributed them on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas week.

Cost: $5,000.00


The Ennabe family sponsored the education for 11 kids at Zababdeh, Palestine.

Cost: $6,600.00


Personal account - Southwestern University - California
